In addition to small pelagic fish and the main commercial species from aquaculture, Croatian fisheries offers a whole range of other products that commercially may not be equally important at the moment, but certainly represent a good basis for further growth and diversification of the offer towards products with higher added value. Here, it is especially worth noting new species in aquaculture, but also new products of processing.
The Adriatic Sea is one of the seas poor in quantity but extremely rich in different types of fish.
The fish processing industry produces just over 35 thousand tons of processed products per year.
Croatian aquaculture is adorned with a wealth of species on offer, and their number continues to grow.
The largest part of fish processing in the Republic of Croatia concerns small pelagic fish in IQF frozen or canned form and salted and marinated anchovies.
One of the oldest industrial activities on the eastern Adriatic coast – fish processing has undergone a restructuring process and recorded a slight turn from a long time almost the only product - cans of small pelagic fish, towards new products.
Most of this production is carried out in completely new facilities built in recent years with the help of EU funds, and the highest production standards are applied. In addition to the mandatory high safety standards (HACCP), the fish processing industry in the Republic of Croatia is often the holder of the most demanding safety and quality standards in the manufacturing world - IFS food, ISO 9001 quality management and ISO 14001 environmental management, antibiotic free certificates, etc.
Various products of Croatian fish processors are regularly holders of the Superior taste award. The implementation of the highest standards preserves the interests of consumers and guarantees full transparency of production. The Croatian fish processing industry pays special attention to the preservation of the environment. In recent years, the number of new products in has been steadily growing.
L'acquacoltura è una delle attività in più rapida crescita nella produzione alimentare negli ultimi anni.
5.418 tons
of demersal fish species, crustacean and cephalopod were caught in the Republic of Croatia during 2021.
35.646 tons
of fish, crustacean, and mollusc were processed during 2022 in the Republic of Croatia

La pesca pelagica
I piccoli pelagici sono la spina dorsale dell'offerta croata. Che sia fresco, congelato, marinato, salato o in conserve, è adatto a tutti gli amanti di un'alimentazione sana quando vogliono andare sul sicuro.

Prodotti dell'acquacoltura croata
L'acquacoltura croata sta facendo passi da gigante - è riconosciuta per la sua qualità e varietà - branzino, orata, tonno, carpa, trota - e questo è solo l'inizio.