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Marinated and salted
SALTED Salting is probably the oldest known way to keep small pelagic fish for periods of the year when it is not available as fresh. Records of salting sardines date back to the 15th century in the area of the island of Vis. From this traditional processing, a real, highly valued delicacy was born. The process of salting and ripening takes place under carefully controlled conditions and takes months. The first phase of salting lasts about 10 days and ends when an equilibrium concentration of salt is obtained in the muscle. After that, the ripening phase of the product begins, during which processes on proteins and fats take place over several months, resulting in the characteristic aroma and texture of the fish. Salting is a process in which there is generally no help from machines and the entire processing, i.e., cleaning, salting and all activities during ripening, takes place manually.
In this way, a semi-finished product is obtained in large packages that are intended for factories and HORECA sales channels.
Retail products are also offered. Filleting and final packaging of these products also take place manually. These products are prepared with great care paid to every detail, the fish is carefully cleaned and rinsed of salt, dried, and packaged in retail packaging.
In the Republic of Croatia, marinating is a way of preserving anchovy fillets using mostly bright vinegar, or occasionally some other acids and herbs are used. After this relatively short process is completed, the fillet is purified and stored in the marinade. The final anchovy product is then packaged either in large packages for further processing and HORECA channels or is prepared for retail packages.